Home / News / New Dumbarton sports hub further delayed by water connection

New Dumbarton sports hub further delayed by water connection

Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023

A DUMBARTON councillor has slammed Scottish Water for "unacceptable delays" in connecting a new sports hub in the area to their network.

Councillor David McBride admits West Dunbartonshire Council have been left "frustrated" at the lack of progress in the completion of a working water connection at the delayed refurbishment of Posties Park sports facility.

The council says issues around the design of the water pipework into the new centre have led to "abortive work, significant additional time and cost and the loss of our programmed connection date".

This is because design flaws are being found by the water body despite previous approvals of plans, say council chiefs.

The local authority insists they have been asking Scottish Water to take a look at their revised design plans since April 18, receiving "no actionable programming feedback" or even a connection date.

The project – which is set to feature a new gymnasium, changing facilities, an all-weather running track and parking spaces – was expected to be finished last year after originally being planned for 2019.

But the ongoing problems between the local authority and the utility firm have again postponed the opening of the purpose-built sports arena and forced Cllr McBride to pen a letter on behalf of the council, urging the water supplier to sort out the delays as quickly as possible.

He told the Dumbarton Reporter: "The delay in the work with Scottish Water is continuing to delay the opening of this long-standing project.

"We all recognise complications can at times add time and budget costs when unexpected issues arise.

"However, we need our public sector partner to take responsibility and assist us to get this project open as soon as possible."

The letter asks for Scottish Water to "finally provide us with programming dates as a matter of urgency and a clear commitment to enabling the project to conclude."

A Scottish Water spokesperson said: "The process to connect the new sports hub has proved challenging for a variety of reasons but we are committed to resolving the issues and moving forward as quickly as possible.

"We are happy to meet with the council to discuss, review and progress work so that it can be completed without any further delay."

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A DUMBARTON councillor has slammed Scottish Water for "unacceptable delays" in connecting a new sports hub in the area to their network.