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Scottish Water in safety message over Inverclyde reservoirs

Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023

SCOTTISH Water bosses are urging people to stay safe around Inverclyde's watercourses as the heatwave continues.

The organisation is reminding people not to take risks and to behave responsibly around the likes of Loch Thom, reservoirs and the River Clyde.

Latest figures from the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) show that, in 2022, a total of 226 people lost their lives to accidental drowning in the UK, including 45 in Scotland.

Peter Farrer, Scottish Water's chief operating officer, said: "While people should enjoy any good weather we have and take pleasure around the country's beautiful lochs, reservoirs and rivers, it's absolutely vital they stay safe at all times and behave responsibly.

"As a number of tragic deaths in Scotland in recent years have shown, safety is a serious issue in all bodies of water, including lochs, reservoirs and rivers.

"At reservoirs, while the water may look harmless, there are many hidden dangers. We need to ensure everyone is aware of these hazards. We are reminding parents to keep their children safe and asking adults to act responsibly around reservoirs and other watercourses."

Deep, cold water is a particular danger at reservoirs, which are working parts of Scottish Water's infrastructure. Dams, steep banks, spillways (overflows) and underwater pipework can also present real hazards.

Many of the publicly-owned utility's reservoirs are situated in remote locations, meaning there is a lack of immediate assistance and mobile phone reception can be poor.

In the interests of public safety, Scottish Water does not encourage swimming in its reservoirs.

Its reservoir safety advice is also targeted at pet owners as one of the biggest concerns with dog owners is when their pet dives into water, chasing a ball or stick. The pet more often survives such incidents but owners who have attempted to save them sometimes don't.

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